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New Features: Enhancements to Acunote Search Syntax

We're catching up on some feature announcements here on the Acunote blog. For users who regularly view announcements in Acunote, this may not be new information, but it's probably worthwhile to review in any case, as these search enhancements enable some powerful advanced queries. Specific enhancements as follows:

Search Expression Grouping With Parentheses

Acunote search language now lets you group search expressions in parentheses to define the precedence of search operations. For example, the following query will return tasks that are in both sprints Foo and Bar, or task with owner Joe:

(sprint:foo AND sprint:bar) OR owner:Joe

Nested expressions in parentheses are also supported by the search language To search for names that include parentheses, quote the search term, for example:

sprint: "foo(bar)"

It is also possible to negate the grouped expression, for example:

-(sprint:foo AND sprint:bar)

Important Task Search Language Changes

Additions to the search language:

New Syntax Explanation
Search for tasks created/updated before/after given date
watcher: none
estimate: none
remaining: none
Search for tasks that have no estimate, remaining or watcher
has: <property> Search for tasks that have given property.
Available properties are: tag, comment, attachment, parent, child
is: <property> Search for tasks that are: deleted, parent, child

Following search language syntax is no longer supported and the new syntax should be used instead:

Old syntax New syntax Explanation
priority: 1 priority: P1 Priorities without "P" prefix are no longer supported
priority: 0..5 priority: P0..P5 Priorities without "P" prefix are no longer supported
in_sprint: foo sprint: foo Changed for consistency with "project:" syntax
owner: "Not Assigned" owner: none Changed for consistency with other queries for empty values
status: "Not Started" status: Not Started Quoting is not necessary for status names anymore
parent_of: none -is: parent
-has: child
"parent_of:" query type is no longer supported
child_of: none -has: parent "child_of:" query type is no longer supported
deleted: yes is: deleted "deleted: yes" query type is no longer supported

Following search language syntax have new behavior:

Syntax Explanation
project: foo
sprint: foo
This will now search for tasks in projects/sprints with names that contain the string "foo".
Use project: +foo and sprint: +foo to search for sprints/projects with exactly the name "foo"

Search For Tasks With Attachments

As noted in the table above, the task search language syntax has been extended with has: attachment query type to search for tasks with attachments. New useful search queries are now possible:

  • has: attachment to list all tasks with attachments
  • has: attachments deleted: yes to list deleted tasks with attachments

Creating More Powerful Queries in Acunote

In addition to the syntax enhancements described above, Acunote supports a large number of search expressions and operators, as well as the capability to save and share queries. Please refer to the updated Search Help Section in Acunote for further reference.

We are continuing to enhance the search functionality of Acunote, so we welcome feedback and ideas. Let us know your use cases for search and how we can better support your needs in the future.